Author: admin

RADIO/PODCASTS Questions for the Sleep Doc on the Paul Castronovo Show, WBGG Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) (E10) with Host Dennis Trumpy on Sleep to Healthy Podcast Sleep.  Children don’t want me and adults can’t catch me.  Radio Interview with Host Dr. Merle Griff on Caught Between Generations....

Instead of spending countless hours lying in bed counting sheep at night, take control of your sleep by learning about the common mistakes people make. By  Stephanie Silberman, Ph.D., Contributor to HuffPost Psychologist, Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Instead of spending countless hours lying in bed...

We know the principles of good sleep hygiene, like not drinking too much caffeine during the day, not exercising late at night, and not reading or watching TV in bed if you have trouble sleeping. But that alone may not solve your problem. By  Stephanie Silberman, Ph.D.,...

It's important to assess whether or not your child is getting enough sleep. Here are some tips on identifying whether or not your child is sleep-deprived and what you can do to help them get the sleep they need. By  Stephanie Silberman, Ph.D., Contributor to HuffPost Psychologist, Fellow...

Interview with Dr. Stephanie Silberman about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) (E10) with Host Dennis Trumpy on Sleep to Healthy Podcast   ...

¿Le cuesta dormirse al llegar la noche pensando en las mil cosas que debería hacer al día siguiente? ¿Sedespierta a media noche y no puede volver a conciliar el sueño? ¿Se queda adormilado mientras estásentado viendo la televisión? Este libro le ayudará a recobrar la...

A popular local radio show called the Paul Castronova show contacted me to ask if I could be a guest for a sleep question. Questions for the Sleep Doc on the Paul Castronovo Show, WBGG...

The Insomnia Workbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Sleep You Need Receive a 15% discount on The Insomnia Workbook when you use the link below! Click to Order My Book Directly From New Harbinger Publications The Insomnia Workbook The Insomnia Workbook is a self-help sleep guide that can...